duminică, 6 septembrie 2009

The Final Countdown

My final days in Romania are knocking at the door and I have no other option than to let them in, let them take control and enjoy everything around me while I still can.

I do not want to make it sound so dramatic, as this is, after all, what I yearned for in the first place. But seeing all these things that made me who I am and knowing that I won't wake up with them in the morning anymore makes me hesitate just a little bit. I think the hardest bridge I will have to cross once in Brussels would be that of missing my family and friends and not knowing how to cope with my feelings.

But on the other hand, I am also excited about making it alive from the urban jungle called BRUSSELS. I feel like a runner at the start-up would feel right now, just before an important race that s/he has to win. I'm just starting to heat my muscles, stretch, take a deep breath of air to ease the tension and prepare for the competition. Yes, I do see it like a competition, a competition which I have to win by any means as this is what I want- I want to make out there, I want to find my place somewhere...anywhere, I want to experience the most thrilling period of my life. I can feel it coming, it's already here.

A few days ago I started writing my "good-bye" e-mails for all my colleagues, friends and collaborators and I didn't think that I would end up doing it one day..wow, so unreal, almost like a dream...the only difference is that it's not a dream, it's a fact...I am about to change my life.

I feel low-spirited because I have to leave the company as I truly bonded with everyone, most of my colleagues grew up to become more like my friends, especially my dear, dear office mates: Ramona, Voicu, Eszter, Cristian, Vlad, Tibi and Erich. I know you will be reading these lines and I hope you will visit me soon :)!

Just look at us in this photo! We are a terrific team!

miercuri, 5 august 2009

Road Trip on a Budget

Road Trip on a Budget

Whoever said camping isn’t fun didn’t visit Romania yet. This bloody Economic Crisis did have one positive outcome- exploring one’s own country instead of spending a fortune on an abroad holiday.

Last year I was enjoying the Croatian coast, followed by a city break in Barcelona and a wonderful winter treat in Slovakia and Poland. 2009 has been more or less a transition year for me, I am forced to keep my piggy bank close by and just put all my money in it so as to be prepared for the big departure date-14th of September- the day when I’ll kiss Romania good-bye and head for Brussels.

So here I am, enjoying my days off and trying to stick to my holiday budget… last Friday 5 Romanian youngsters departed on an interesting road trip. First stop?! Poiana Mărului (=Apple’s Clearing) where we settled the base. Wonderful scenery, fresh air, lots of apple trees. After 2 days spent in the camp, we headed for Orşova- a port city- to visit the Danube River.

The Danube River enters Romania through a narrow gorge in the Carpathians Mountains, called The Iron Gate. The area is reputed for its geological complexity, biological diversity and historical vestiges. Close to the city of Orşova, the Danube reduces its size and enters the so-called “Boilers” area (Cazanele Dunării). There are two such boilers- The Big Boilers (Cazanele Mari) and The Small Boilers (Cazanele Mici). Due to the rocky surface the Danube has to cross on its way to the Black Sea, the speed of the water flowing is much higher almost giving the impression of boiling water- thus the name Danube Boilers. Seeing all those places made me feel proud of my origins especially after having the chance to view the Statue of Decabalus- our Dacian king. The statue is impressive in size- approximately 40 meters high, which is also the tallest rock sculpture in Europe. The constructions started in 1994 and took over 10 years to complete. Under the statue, one can read the following:”Decebalus Rex- Dragan Fecit”- King Decebal-Made by Drăgan.

On the 4th day we headed from our base camp to Retezat Mountains, one of the tallest mountains in Romania. The area also consists of a National Park, Retezat National Park being the first recognized Romanian National Park. Awesome scenery, crystal clear glacier lakes and breathtaking mountain peaks. We made it to Lake Bucura (2030 m altitude), covering an 8 ha surface, which is the largest glacier lake in Romania. Unfortunately the weather conditions did not allow us to head for the tallest peak from the Retezat Mountains- Peleaga, 2509 m. Maybe some other time…

All in all, super cool company, super cool places, super cool country! I love Romania, too bad that some areas are full with litter! Guys, seriously, use garbage cans! Nature has to be protected!

marți, 21 iulie 2009

Shame, Shame, Shame

Shame, Shame, Shame ...shame on you if you can't dance too !!!

Ever have those days when you wake up in the morning feeling the good old disco fever?! It's my "disco day" today so I started listening to the '75 Shirley and Company track- Shame!

Back to reality, back to the office :((. My colleague who's sitting right in front of me has that strange look on his face "What the f... is she doing with that chair?" Well what do you think? Shaking my a.., shaking my a.. :))

Can't stop me now hear what I say
My feet wanna move so get out my way
I'm gonna have my say
I'm going to every discotheque
I'm gonna dance dance dance dance ooh
Till the break of day I say

Shirley and Company - Shame Shame Shame (1975)
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Everyone wants to be happy and noone wants to suffer but very few people understand the concept of happiness or suffering and the reasons which lie underneath. Happiness is a state of mind so the real source of happiness must lie within the mind, not in external conditions. Most of us tend to look for happiness in the outside world, we need an external stimulus, something that can motivate us to be happy. How many rich people owning luxurious cars, state-of-the-arts appliances, dream houses are truly happy? We spend almost all our life adjusting the outside world to our wishes, thinking that by achieving our goals we would also be happy. But the truth is that happiness is not to be found in material belongings. All our lives we have tried to surround our selves with people and things that make us feel comfortable or secure and we fool ourselves thinking that this is true happiness.

True happiness is not related in any way to what you own in the outside world, it's what you own in the inside that counts. Happiness is a state of mind which should never disappear. Changing car after car after car will never bring you happiness unless you change who you are.

Dharma in Buddhism and Hinduism has a broad understanding and a precise translation of the term has not been clearly agreed upon until now. Its meaning can vary from "life" to "manner of being". As I am romantic, I always chose to use the reference to "one's primary purpose of life". It is no secret the fact that Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Basically, at the start of a new life you are given a "task" to complete. Depending on your karma, the task will be easy or hard to complete.

I often wonder about my purpose in this life. What is it that I have to do? Did I take the right decision by leaving for Brussels? Will I ever reach happiness? I read an interesting article about Dharma once where I found out that you have 3 major crossroads during your life. One is right at the border between adolescence and youth, another one is during your mid-mature life and a final bridge that you have to cross is at the start of your late life.

Now considering the fact that I am 24 years old, I do not think that I have to face the first major change in my life. Probably all these 3 crossroads are "customized" for each individual. Looking back in time though, it is absolutely obvious that in the past 9 months or so my life has suffered major changes. The Wheel of life has been turned and I'm not quite sure about the outcome. I guess I have to live it out and adapt to whatever condition the future would bring.

I could not appreciate what I had so I had to lose it. I could not tell the difference between happiness and sorrow so I had to face them, one after the other and sometimes even simultaneously. Funny how us humans are- never quite convinced that what you have at the moment is the best that you can get.

If you ask me, I think that we all have the same Dharma- to be truly happy!

miercuri, 10 iunie 2009

How to Break Up With Your Girlfriend

I was surfing the Internet this morning while trying to find some IELTS Test samples I could solve and meanwhile I came across this video.I collapsed laughing!!! In a way, this is also my tragic/comic failed relationship but seeing this right in front of my laptop screen just hit me in my face. Here I am thinking, crying, feeling miserable, pitying myself just because V. left me when in fact this is just how things are.

History repeats itself, I of all others should know just how true this sentence is, after all, I did graduate from the History- English Faculty.Instead of just wiping my eyes every time I hear a motorbike passing by or a car that seems to be his from the distance, I should try to start enjoying my single life. And by the time I really,really,really,tremendously, absolutely embrace my new status I shall meet another person who will get me through the same marry-go-round feelings; I'm just hoping that the outcome will be different next time.

I leave you with the video now, hope you enjoy it and I would be more than thrilled if you post a comment about it.


sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

I wish I could be truly free, careless, happy, serene, to breathe light, fresh air, revigorating my entire being. I wish I could taste the saltiness of your skin, the sweetness of your embrace, the sourness of your good- bye, the perfume of your smooth hair, your quintessence...
This life we are living has something dual about it. We can experience both happiness and sadness, even at the same time. And although, most of us would ponder whether or not the sadness is more present in our lives than happiness, I dare to comment that it is us who choose how to see things.
Let it be known to anyone reading these lines that I too chose to suffer more than to be joyous out of love most of the times. I was out of love most of the times. The scenario kept repeating itself obsessively, over and over and over again leaving me with little hope that I would indeed find the right person for me. I do not believe in soul mates but I do believe in destiny. There is someone destined for everyone out there, there is someone who can help without being helped, who can appreciate you without asking anything in return. This is also called love, affection, care, humanity, the prerequisite for spiritual evolution. Everything is centered around love, everything and everyone.
Most of us though, once they have found that certain someone tend to neglect his/her role in our development and little by little start casting him/her away. Try to never forget everything the other one has sacrificed for your well being. Bear in mind that love is a synonym with equilibrium. Do not dominate the loved one, do not let yourself being dominated. Though extremely difficult to obtain, the state of equilibrium in a relationship is most necessary so as to achieve happiness together.
I guess God just wanted me to speak out once I have gone trough the same experience...

marți, 26 mai 2009

Karateka in action

Just for everyone to know that I practice karate and you should clear the sidewalk every time you see me coming :)


miercuri, 13 mai 2009

Again Jais...

Jais is back in track everyone... this time with a more mature sound and catchy lyrics. This is one of my favourite songs from them- Impreuna!
Listen to it and let me know what your opinion is.

Jais- Impreuna
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Jais- Împreună/ Together

Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Trebuie să fie bine/ It has to be Ok
Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Parcă soarele şi luna sunt cu mine/ It’s as if the sun and the moon were with me

Nu ştiu cine ar putea/ I don’t know who could
Nu ştiu cine ar avea curajul/ I don’t know who would dare
Să spună ceva, să se bage-n viaţa mea/ To say anything, to enter my life
Să nu-mi dea pace, să-mi stea în cale/ Not to leave me alone, to stand in my way
Să mă caute peste tot/ To search for me everywhere
Să-mi numere paşii/ To count my steps
Să ne afle drumul n-am să-l las/ I won’t let him find our way
De-ar fi să ne ştie orice pas/ If it were to know our every step
Îi spun s-o ia de la început/ I tell him to start all over again
Să vadă şi el prin ce-am trecut/ To see what I’ve been through

Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Trebuie să fie bine/ It has to be ok
Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Parcă soarele şi luna sunt cu mine./ It’s as if the sun and the moon were with me.

Nu cred că s-ar putea,/ I don’t think it would be possible
Nu cred că ar mai avea curajul/ I don’t think she would dare
Să vină acum să intre-n viaţa ta./ To come now and enter your life
Să te ocolească, să nu îndrăznească/ To avoid you, to hesitate
Să vrea să te ia înapoi, să îţi întoarcă paşii/ To want to take you back, to turn your steps around
Să ne afle drumul n-am s-o las/ I won’t let her find our way
De-ar fi să ne ştie orice pas,/ If it were to know our every step
Îi spun s-o ia de la început/ I tell her to start all over again
Să vadă şi ea prin ce am trecut./ To see what I’ve been through

Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Trebuie să fie bine/ It has to be ok
Suntem din nou amândoi/ We are together again
Parcă soarele şi luna sunt cu mine/ It’s as if the sun and the moon were with me.

Tot împreună, din nou împreună…/ Still together, together again…

luni, 4 mai 2009

1st of May Week- End

Though not celebrating Labour Day on the 1st of May, I did benefit from the extended week-end and departed on a little trip together with "my 2 friends"- as I like to call them- Dragos and Mylo.

Interesting experience come to think about it, especially as I had to share the same room with them because of the poor booking capacity in the Busteni aerea. On Saturday afternoon we arrived in Brasov, too bad that the weather was a bit gloomy, had a stroll in the city center and then left for Busteni where we put up a bit of a fight to find some accommodation.

Next day we failed to give it an early start (you know how these guys are!!!! :))and by the time we reached Cota 1400 (= altitude of 1400 m) it was somewhere close to 11. Again, the weather was not on our side so instead of reaching the Sfinx and Babele we had to make do with a bit of a mountain climbing until we reached the 1730 m height.

Next, we also thought about visiting Peles Castle, amazing piece of architecture, where I learned that the Peles Castle was the most modern castle in Europe, being equipped with its own heating system, air conditioning, electricity, electrified elevator and many many more. I just couldn't get it why the Ceausescu couple (back in the days) didn't really like the castle. I thought it was amazing! :)

Finally, on our way back home we also stopped in a town called Rupea, home of a magnificent but abandoned and degrading fortress- The Rupea Fortress. What an amazing scenery!Unbelievable! It was almost as if I was re-living the 14th century, I was imagining how that place used to look like some over 6 centuries ago. It is here that I encountered one of the deepest wells I have ever seen in my life. It is 59 m deep. Imagine falling in it... upsy!!! we don't want that, do we?! :)

Take a look at some of the pics! All in all, super cool week-end, super cool company (and I mean those cute squirrels I saw, not you two guys :))- just joking!)

luni, 20 aprilie 2009

Top 20 Best Romanian Songs

I thought about making a Top 20 Best Romanian Songs of all times as we also have quality music and it's not necessary for us to sing in English to sell records. Just listen how beautiful our language sounds when combined with music.

This is Adriana's Top 20 Best Romanian Songs (Enjoy!!!)

20. Mirabela Dauer- Ioane, Ioane (1977)

Mirabela Dauer - Ioane Ioane
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19. Eva Kiss- Puterea Dragostei

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18. Madalina Manole- Fata draga

Madalina Manole - Fata draga
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17. Jais- Stai

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16. Ilie Micolov- Dragoste la prima vedere

Ilie Micolov - Dragoste la prima vedere
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15. Stela Enache- Ani de liceu

Stela Enache - Ani de liceu
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14. Loredana Groza- Suflet drag

Loredana Groza-Suflet drag
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13. Iris- Floare de Iris

Iris-floare de iris
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12. Gheorghe Gheorghiu- Unde dragoste nu e

Gheorghe Gheorghiu - Unde Dragoste Nu E
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11. Vama Veche - Nu am chef azi

Vama Veche - Nu am chef azi
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10. Catalin Crisan- Daca pleci

Catalin Crisan - Daca pleci
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9. Taxi- Jumatatea mea

Taxi - Jumatatea mea
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8. Phoenix- Andri Popa

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7. Compact- Mi-e tare dor de tine

Compact - Mi-e tare dor de tine
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6. Paula Seling- Timpul

Paula Seling - Timpul
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5. Holograf- Dincolo de nori

Holograf- Dincolo de nori
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4. Laura Stoica- Nici o stea

Laura Stoica - Nici o stea
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3. Gil Dobrica- Hai acasa

Gil Dobrica - Hai acasa
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2. Loredana Groza- Buna seara iubito

loredana groza buna seara iubito
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1. Gheorghe Zamfir- pastorul singuratic

Gheorghe Zamfir - Pastorul singuratic
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If you have a favourite Romanian song which was not included in my Top 20, I am more than open to suggestions.

duminică, 22 martie 2009

A World Without Romania

Well, will you look at that?!

duminică, 15 martie 2009


I was surfing the Internet this morning and came across an interesting Romanian site. I didn't even know we had such a site really. It's an online Portal aimed at the "thumbing up a ride" fans not only from our country but from the entire Europe. You can both subscribe as a car owner willing to pick up hitchhikers or as a passenger who wants to travel up to a certain destination. The required fields which need to be filled in include such preferences as air conditioning, smoker/ non-smoker, favourite music and destination.

Surprisingly enough, there are lots of offers for external destinations like Venice or Brno. You just need to be the right person at the right time. :) I think I will give it a try once I need to go somewhere. This is the address --> maybe it will also prove useful for you : www.123autostop.ro

What is more, I know about this concept and I was so determined to try it... it's called Jailbreak. Basically it's a competition between teams of youngsters. They have to get as far as they can from the starting location without spending any money on travel. It would be great if I could find some interested people and organize such a competition this summer in August, when I have my 15 days holiday.

joi, 12 martie 2009

Women's Day Party (made by E.ON)

Last night I went to the Women's Day Party which was organized by the company I am working for. I didn't expect it to be that pleasant actually... from the first insights not many people subscribed so I thought to myself this party would be a fiasco but eventually it proved to be quite all right. I even had some quality time at the restaurant we all met. The afterparty was held in Avi-Cola, of course! So crowded!!!! Unbelievable! I felt as if I was dancing in one of those old Romanian train carriages. We were all rubbing against each other, dancing like crazy and enjoying the 90s tracks. Returned home at around 3 a.m., had a few hours of sleep and came at the office at 8 a.m.... so I am curious about how this day is going to unfold, so far I hang on pretty well but at a certain time I might collapse :D.
Just a few pictures for you to get the general feeling of the party!
All in all, thumbs up for E.ON!

miercuri, 11 martie 2009

By Any Means

I did mention some time ago about the Long Way series staring Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman, well mates, they've done it again... This time Charlie, Russ and a cameraman, Mungo, departed from Wicklow (Ireland) aiming to reach Sydney (Australia) some 4 months later, using any means of transportation on the way. One of the main conditions was to use local, traditional means of transport, specific for the countries they are cruising through, avoiding as much as they can the use of a plane.

The expedition started on April 12th 2008 from Boorman's father house in Wicklow. What a better way to start off the journey than by riding classic motorbikes? :) Next came the Routemaster buss, a type of double-decker which Charlie actually drove till the crew reached Dover. After reaching and driving through France in a Citroen DS, the guys took the Venice Orient Express, spent some time in Venice, then took off for Poreč, Croatia. In total, the team passed 24 countries using 112 modes of transport in 102 days.

I will not go into details too much, just to keep that suspense to the maximum. What I can tell you after seeing all the episodes is that I was not only surprised (in a good way) to discover what a great, sociable, friendly person Charlie has proven to be, but I also found it extremely interesting to learn so many things about different cultures and places around this wonderful, diverse Big Blue Planet.

To see the show, just search it on Youtube, you have all the episodes there and if you are from Romania, the show also plays on National Geographic, Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. It's really worth it! It left me lingering for such a trip to be honest... anyone interested?! :)

sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2009

smoothies that help your body detox

Yes folks, it's that part of the year we all hate...Winter is almost over, Spring is knocking at our doors and despite all the benefits of entering a warmer season, many of us girls are a bit scared of getting rid of all those fluffy, "hide my shapes" pullovers and coats. Why? because many of us out there put on some extra weight during all those holiday special treats, Valentine's Day (not applicable in my case), surprise parties, night outs with lots of alcohol (yes, you do get fat if you drink alcohol), staying inside just because it's soooo much warmer than outside etc. So, just to get myself back in shape, I started this smoothie diet, it's a detox diet actually, having lots and lots of benefits for your body. Today is my 2nd day and with the exception of one tiny incident (yesterday) I love it. The smoothies are delicious and what is fun about them is the fact that you can let loose of your imagination. Combine carrots with apples, grapefruit, oranges, strawberry, avocado, cucumbers, beets, broccoli, ginger (be careful with ginger though, make sure not to shred too much of that stuff as it's super super concentrated- 1" will do). The result? A spectacular bright colour, an exquisite taste and also the sensation of actually eating something consistent. Now, make sure not to strangely combine veggies and fruits. Go with the colour rule- choose different veggies or fruits which all have the approximately same colour. My favourite breakfast smoothie is the apple-carrot- grapefruit(or orange) one. It's an energy booster and it also leaves you feel nourished.
If it were to provide you with a daily menu of the Smoothie Detox Diet (SDD), this would look like:

7 am (or upon rising) : glass of still water with lemon
8 am: a herbal tea or a diuretic one (personally I go with the diuretic tea)
10 am: Breakfast smoothie- Carrots and apple
11.30: liquid intake (ideal would be water, coconut water- but that's hard to find in TGM, so just make sure to drink plenty of water- minimum 1,5 l of water/day)
13.30: lunch- Salad with Carrot and Ginger Dressing
16.00: snack- a handful of mixed seeds (pumpkin and sunflower seeds)
18.00: dinner- Broccoli and Arugula Soup- again, arugula is difficult to find so just replace it with fresh salad, spinach or watercress

Tips and Tricks:

Don't cheat!!! Be honest to yourself and admit that you have put on some weight. No, it's not just that blouse or those pants that make you look fat, it's you!!! (sorry for being so frank).
Be ambitious! Don't give up the next day and rush to the local convenience store and load yourself with unhealthy food (snacks, pop corn, chocolate, cakes, soda etc).The result would be just a supplementary calories intake making you even fatter.
Hydrate yourself! Remember this is a DETOX diet, you want to get rid of toxines trapped inside your body and the only way you can do that is by "washing" it on the inside.
Practice sports!!! This is the most important link of the SDD chain. In order to eliminate the toxins you will also have to practice some sort of sports. If you are completely out of shape you can start by walking for 20 min. every day and gradually increase the time with 2 min. per day. At the end of the 1st month you will be able to walk for about 1 hour which is a good warm-up for the next stage--> a gym subscription. If you have back problems or any other inconvenience which does not allow you to practice sports or go to the gym you can go swimming instead. Swimming is said to help not only your posture but it is also an excellent method for stress removal.
Drink water!!! And I mean WATER. Not coffee, black tea, green tea, store juice, cocoa, milk etc. Try sticking to still water, not mineral water.
Keep away from dairy products, gluten products (any type of food containing gluten- bread, baked goods),nightshades(potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplants) and fat meat.
Don't exceed 7 days of the SDD. After "surviving" the smoothies week, don't forget all about the hard work you had to do just to loose those pounds. Remember it's always easier to loose weight than to keep it at a reasonable level. Change your lifestyle!
And last but not least: consult your family doctor or nutritionist and let him/her help you personalize this diet. I am sure you all heard this before: there is no magic, one-diet-fits-all SDD.

For more about the SDD, useful recipes and other info you can always visit Gwyneth Paltrow's web site www.goop.com

luni, 23 februarie 2009

Week-End in Sibiu

Beer Incident :)

Andrei's Bionic Arm :))

Not too much to say about my week-end spent in Sibiu...Arrived on Friday 20th in the afternoon, met my dear cousin at her hotel and went to her apartment. It was quite a pleasant encounter and seeing Sibiu again really made me happy. The weather was a bit cold as compared to TGM but it was all nice and shiny. In the evening, though not planned, we went out to meet some of Lili's friends (some of them I was familiar with). The Corner was a newly opend pub, actually it was inaugurated that very night. Everyone got drunk or dizzy, except for me. I wasn't in the mood of drinking alcohol so I just enjoyed seeing everyone around me getting tipsy. I might come back next week-end as there is this trip in the mountains and I was invited but I did not make up my mind yet. We'll see... On Saturday we just stayed in and then went to the gym for a nice workout finalised with a 30 minutes dry sauna, all of them being free of charge :D (one of the benefits of being a girl)watched some movies, the most impressive one was Slumdog Millionaire which already won 8 Oscars. I never thought I would enjoy seeing an Indian movie, but it absolutely swept me off my feet. I recommend it to everyone. Another movie I enjoyed was The Reader, set in the Post-WWII Germany. The main character, Michael Berg, aged 15 has an affair with a woman twice his age. She just vanished at a certain point of his life and nearly a decade later, being a Law student, finds her as a defendant in the Nazzi trials.
Well, that's all about my week-end. I will just post a few pictures taken on Friday night. Enjoy!!!

marți, 17 februarie 2009

Mi fido di te (I Trus You)

I like listening to different types of music and most of the times I have a "type of music day". Today was my "Italian songs day". It was such a wonderful day, just hearing that melodious language (which is very similar to Romanian language) made me feel happy, full of life, optimistic. Incredible how powerful music can be and how it can influence your state of mind. So I just started listening to those Italian Titans like Eros Ramazzotti, Ambra Angiolini, Laura Pausini, Tiziano Ferro, Jovanotti...they were all part of my late childhood and my teen years...so many memories have been stacked inside my brain from that period. I can remember all those Sunday nights spent in front of the TV back in the early 90s when no one had cable, we all improvised these huge parabolic antennas and we were excited every time we were watching Fiorello's TV show on Rai Uno. That's how I started learning the Italian language. Of course that without too much practice I forgot a lot of words but there's this intrinsic knowledge and somehow it all comes back to me when I hear a song in Italian. One of my favourite singers was Jovanotti...he has that "I don't know what" charisma. He's not beautiful, his voice has almost nothing special but his style is just amazing...his lyrics are so catchy, I like the way he's dressed and that entire attitude he possesses. Anyways, I will just post one of my favourite songs from him. It's called Mi fido di te which means "I Trust You". Enjoy!!! And may your day be wonderful :)

marți, 10 februarie 2009

V(B)alantine's Day

It's really difficult for me to think that in 3 days time the famous, way too commercial Valentine's Day will take place. I already feel pretty depressed, I don't want to be too "EMO" or anything but it's just the way I feel. This is the first time that I've decided to write about my emotional problems as I think I would feel relieved afterwards. Though the Valentine's Day is not a traditional Romanian custom, it has become increasingly important in the past years, culminating with this year when, in the last month all you could hear/talk/see around you was related to this topic. I don't feel depressed because of other people's happiness, I feel depressed because of my grief, because it becomes even more evident that I am lonely and alone.
Since we broke up (November 15th 2008) I went through a lot of experiences. One of my biggest mistakes was to find affection in another guy just 1 week after the breakup. Big mistake!!! Don't do it! It will make you feel bad about yourself; it will make you feel weak, always running away from your problems and emotions. Confront them, you are stronger than you think! It's not shameful to admit that you are hurt, or that you still linger after him/her, that you dream about him/her and that you hope one day to meet that person again and if it's not possible for you to get back together, at least find a way to keep good relations between you. It's too soon for me and Vlad to suddenly become old buddies, old palls...I am aware of that. Nevertheless, could someone please explain me why I still obstinately cling to all those memories, all that part of me which still belongs to him? I can even smell his perfume sometimes. I cleared my room with all objects which might remind me of him, hid away all picture albums, gifts, erased all my SMS, mails...everything. The only thing I could not erase was the memories I have, all those bitter-sweet episodes I will cherish for as long as I live. All those summer nights spent together talking and strolling, all those times when we were riding his motorbike, or the first time he let me drive his car...(funny moment), all those excursions, visits, meeting his family, being part of it, having him around me, all those movie nights...just everything. Funny how life is sometimes. It seems that you are never the right person at the right time. I should synchronize myself with life's cycle, being the runner-up is not an option anymore. I want to be a winner, I want to succeed. I want to find you, whoever you are...
But still, the main feeling I have right now would be the fact that I still yearn for him. I miss not missing him anymore.

marți, 3 februarie 2009

The best thing you can do is to fake it

We want it all and we want it now... we are never satisfied, we will never stop, keep on climbing the stairs until we reach the top. No, it's not some lyrics I found... I was just thinking about human nature and everyday life. We wake up at 6.30 to get ready for work, dress to impress, have a glance in the mirror saying to ourselves we'll have a wonderful day, we'll gamble a lot of money and win at the Stock today, we'll score maximum at our exam, we'll pass the interview, we will change our job for a better paid one, we'll buy that Porsche we always dreamed of...and we could go on!But what happens if we don't succeed? DISASTER!!! Why? Because we put too much pressure in it. It's not good enough what we have accomplished at the end of the day, nooo, why should it be alright to spend an extra 5 minutes with your family and your friends, or go to the theatre to watch a good play when you can stay in that bloody office until 8 pm. Remember you have postponed that one for such a long time... you will not change the world if you try so hard, forgetting all about your needs and pleasures. Just let it loose, you are not alone and there are people around you willing to help. Learn how to relax, take that dance course you always wanted, go outside for a walk, smile to the unknown people passing on the street. No one really smiles these days when walking. Be smarter than they are... and here's a song for all of you from one of my favourite bands - U2- Sometimes you can't make it on your own.

U2- Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
Tough, you think you've got the stuff
You're telling me and anyone
You're hard enough

You don't have to put up a fight
You don't have to always be right
Let me take some of the punches
For you tonight

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

We fight all the time
You and I... that's alright
We're the same soul
I don't need... I don't need to hear you say
That if we weren't so alike
You'd like me a whole lot more

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

I know that we don't talk
I'm sick of it all
Can you hear me when I Sing,
you're the reason I sing
You're the reason why the opera is in me

Where are we now?
I've got to let you know
A house still doesn't make a home
Don't leave me here alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you that makes it hard to let go
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Sometimes you can't make it
The best you can do is to fake it
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

duminică, 1 februarie 2009

As simple as it gets: MADE IN ROMANIA

I found this Romanian short movie today and I had to post it as it comprises the very essence of the Romanian country side life. Jeeesus! It may be funny for a foreigner but it's the simple bitter reality for some 20 million Romanians. Enjoy!

sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

Pick-up lines

Ok, ok, ok... someone had to do a top 20 best pick-up lines, right?! And I know all of you girls out there experienced something similar. Guys, we do appreciate your inner talent, spontaneity, funny ideas and your visible effort to impress us girls, but sometimes you just need to try harder. Here's a hint on how you can succeed to impress a girl.

Here's a list of the best pick-up lines that I've ever heard:

20. You spend so much time in my dreams I should charge rent!
19. Do you have a bandage? I hurt my knee when I fell in love with you.
18. Do you have a quarter? I told my girlfriend I would call her when I found someone better.
17. You must be the cause of global warming.
16. Are those astronaut pants? Cause that ass is out of this world!
15. You dropped something. My jaw!
14. You know, we were born without clothes.
13. You must be a magician because every time I look at you everyone else disappears.
12. You don't need car keys to drive me crazy.
11. I suffer from amnesia. Do I come here often?
10. Did they just take you out of the oven 'cause you're hot!
9. Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.
8. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?
7. Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
6. Can I get your picture to prove all my friends that angels really do exist?
5. Do you know karate? 'Cause your body is really kickin'!
4. Guy: What's your name?; Girl: Paula; Guy: Oh, I thought it was Aphrodite.
3. I envy your lipstick.
2. Oh my God...I thought I was gay... and then I met you.
1. You know, you might be asked to leave soon. Because you're making the other women look really bad.

Remember Jais?!

How come this country does not appreciate real artists? How come we lost such talents who just decided to live and work in the US? It is not only shameful it is also striking...Alina Giurgiu is the perfect example to sustain this idea. Former lead singer of the band Jais, that beautiful witty woman who bewitched us all with her deep voice is no longer a singer in Romania. A visual artist and a jazz singer, Alina chose to leave this country for a better life. Who can blame her? We couldn't appreciate her talent enough, I remember that year when they released this song, it was 2002, I was 17. It was love at first sight for me. I had goosebumps all over my body when hearing her brilliant voice. They reached no.1 in all charts in a week. Why did she leave? I wished I could see one of their concerts. They were just perfect. I searched some videos on YouTube and found 3 live performances from 2007 in Quebec...that's about all I know from her or her band. If you know something else about this Romanian band, please post a comment on my blog. And another thing, stop listening to manele, or that Barbie pop music with plastic-like blonde girl 'cause the real artists are shadowed by those low IQ super models and they just vanish into thin air. Please...

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

For what it's worth

I am in a romantic and mild mood today and as a result, today's track will sustain my feelings and my state of mind. It's a Cardigans song I picked as it brings me joy every time I listen to it. You know those mornings when you wake up and for no apparent reason, you are stuck with a song all day long. Today was my Cardigans day :)
I know I haven't written in quite a while now but I just couldn't find the necessary time to do so, as I had another exam yesterday evening and I am sooooooo thrilled that one's over. One more to go! I would like to get stoned after the Saturday exam 'cause I foresee difficult times in my company. 2 of my colleagues will be leaving for a business trip in Germany... :(
So I should better get a good grip of that vodka bottle. :) I was also searching for some summer trips and I would like to go to Spain, Portugal or Italy...Actually Italy is kind of expensive (Sardinia!!!), so that leaves Spain or Portugal. Tenerife could be an option or even Madeira...there's still time to decide but I would love to spend my holiday on a deserted beach, white soft sand, crystal clear water, palm trees, flowers and that wonderful sea-side smell which put a spell on me ever since I first went to the sea-side as a child. I just need a dog to keep me company and some novels and I would be more than happy and relaxed...Oh boy, what a life! Don't wake me up from this dream, not just yet. :)

duminică, 25 ianuarie 2009

Just 19, this sucker's dream...

I was listening to music a lot this week-end as you know I am alone during most of them and have to fill my time with anything at all, so I thought to myself that on Sunday I will have a "music day", just playing my favourite songs throughout time, trying to remember for each song I hear a face, a thought, a feeling from the past, good or bad, happy or sad...and I stopped at a Placebo song. I knew it before, I just forgot about it. Now this band is also a bit "dual", a lot of contradictory feelings accompanying their songs and lyrics...which is probably why I liked it so much. It fitted my mood like a glove. The next thing I did after listening to the song was to search for the lyrics so as to analyse the content a bit. Special Needs is a song which reminds you of the past, may it be your long gone youth or a relationship which ended suddenly without having any possibility to change what happened. Not sure if it's dedicated to someone else or maybe it's just a song dedicated to our own soul. Also, another strange thing is the video which shows two teenagers who are apart but feel very close to each other mentally and make love to thin air. (actually I found this idea just brilliant) Such a unique video! I adore it, can't get enough of it. However, I must say that I don't really like the abrupt ending of the song. Maybe it's just to sustain the main idea in correlation with time...one minute you're here, the next one you're gone...just like youth...just like a relationship. Remember me?!

"Special Needs"

Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me whenever noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs

Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

vineri, 23 ianuarie 2009

Long Way Down

Back in track dearest visitors with 1 day of delay :) as I am still busy learning for my Master Exam Session. You are right Andrei, that Claudio guy was kind of goofy but it sure must have been more difficult than shown on camera and the important thing was that they made it and that no major accidents or problems occurred on their route.
Now in the second trip, "Long Way Down", UNICEF's involvement became even more obvious than in the previous expedition as the guys had another "hot" challenge, their main goal being that of reaching the southernmost point of Africa (you can see now the link between the title - Long Way DOWN- and the route).The trip started on 12 May 2007 and finished on 4 August 2007. Same trip formula, Ewan, Charlie, even Claudion von Planta and producer Russ Malkin, upgraded BMWs- R1200GS Adventure and lots of challenges. The route started from John o' Groats, in the North of Scotland and passed through 18 countries, downwards to Africa. The guys took the Euro tunnel reaching France, Italy, then took the ferry to Tunisia, thus starting their African adventure. From Tunisia, they entered Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi (where Ewan's wife- Eve- joined the trip- girl power!!!!!), Zambia, Namibia, Botswana and finally South Africa. They finished their journey at Cape Agulhas,which is the most southerly point of the Black Continent. Rumour has it that the guys are planning a third expedition entitled Long Way To Go but nothig official has been released yet. I know that Charlie Boorman started an expedition on his own in 2008 entitled By Any Means, where he had to travel through 24 countries starting from Ireland to Sydney, by any means of transportation :). Personally I missed Ewan in that show so I am looking forward for the Long Way To Go adventure. I will keep you informed should I know something on the subject. Wish I could be part of such a trip in the future so if anyone is interested in motorbike traveling, post a comment and let me know. Bis dann!!!

joi, 22 ianuarie 2009

The Long Way Round

stereophonics - long way round
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica »

2 men..2 bikes..20,000 miles. Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman started their first exciting journey on April 14 2004 and finished it on July 29 2004, traveling mostly on motorbikes for almost 20,000 miles through 12 countries. The starting point was London and the destination was New York. They traveled eastwards, visiting such countries as France, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazahstan, Mongolia, USA and Canada. Their main target was to ride on the Road of Bones and to reach Magadan from where they flew to Alaska to continue their journey to New York. The two actors also had a fellow biker cameraman Claudio von Planta and a support crew which was usually keeping 1 day distance between the bikers, meeting only at borders or in such situations where team work was needed. It must be at least 5 times that I saw all the episodes and I still can't get enough of them. The fly-on-the-wall camera filming was just brilliant, Ewan and Charley are talented bikers and I wish to experiment something like that once. They rode on custom made BMWs R1150GS Adventure and had a series of challenges on the way, starting from visas, to fines, minor motorbike accidents, crossing the rivers on the way to Magadan and so on. You will have to check the episodes for yourselves, they are super cool and tomorrow I will be back with other pieces of information about the Long Way Down. Even the music was great, Charley and Ewan picked the songs themselves from their favourite bands like Sterophonics, Radiohead, Coldplay, Massive Attack and Orbitral. The Long Way Round soundtrack was composed by Stereophonics lead singer Kelly Jones. I will upload the song so that you can hear it and I will also post the lyrics. Enjoy them! And learn how to be free!! Do something crazy, something you always dreamt to do but was too afraid of trying it. Don't be limited; reach for what you believe in! It will be important for your soul and for your self esteem! Take care everyone!!!

Long way Round

Remember me my love?

I'm the one you're dreaming of.

I'm going for a ride,

I'll keep you warm inside.

I'm gonna roll up the sidewalk,

I'm gonna tear up the ground.

I'm coming round to meet you,

The long way round.

Sooner or later,

I'll get me off this track.

I gotta do what it is that I do

Then I'm coming back

Got sun on my face.

Sleeping rough off the road.

I'll tell you all about it,

When I get home.

I'm gonna roll up the sidewalk,

I'm gonna tear up the ground.

I'm coming round to meet you,

The long way round.

luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

Vezi mai multe video din Muzica »

So dear boys and girls... missed me? I made some time to write in my blog this morning as the day has not begun yet and I still have time to listen to some music, or to watch a video, to check my e-mails and to chat with my colleagues. I will have my first exam today and I must admit that I do feel a bit stressed out and anxious, even though I spent the whole week-end reading for my Master Courses. Yesterday as I arrived home at 6 pm I still needed to finish a big juicy project for school but I felt like doing all sorts of activities I do not normally do, like taking out the garbage, cleaning my room, sorting my clothes, watering the plants, picking up my socks from under the bed, etc. These are all chores I absolutely hate when being asked to perform but anything was better than studying... I wanted to go to karate but was a bit short on time. Anyways, I did finish my project by midnight and sent it to my teacher, waiting for the results now and I hope I will pass this exam session because I really got tired of school and sessions and everything... I am so fed up! Probably after finishing this Master Course I will put an end to my education for a couple of years, just to make the best out of my evenings and week-ends. I would like to travel more, go somewhere new every week-end, take pictures and have fun, meet new people... you know?! Yeah, so anyways, I will upload a song which fits my mood this morning, an older song which I adore, and this one is dedicated to all those who got dumped! Raise your glasses for me and cheers!

duminică, 18 ianuarie 2009


Vezi mai multe video din Film »

Am primit ieri un link foarte interesant cu actorul Dan Bordeianu, pe care eu una nu îl agream în mod special, având în vedere reputaţia sa de "telenovelist". M-a şocat foarte mult filmuleţul, m-a surprins monologul atât de inteligent conceput şi mi-am dat seama că de fapt ceea ce se vinde pe sticlă nu are absolut nici o legătură cu omul în sine, cu talentul care se află ascuns în spatele unei imagini care vrea să se vândă. Să mai spun că m-a emoţionat mesajul în sine? Să mai spun că mi-a amintit de cât de răzvrătită m-am simţit eu când am trecut prin aceeaşi "despărţire"? Da, te face să strigi, să fi nemulţumit de tot ce te înconjoară, să nu-i înţelegi pe oamenii care cască sau care sunt îmbrăcaţi în gri, să îţi fie lehamite de aceleaşi feţe pe care le vezi pe stradă, în drum spre lucru, în pauza de masă şi in drum spre casă... Nu vreau să fiu limitată, în nici un caz nu vreau asta, dar mai ştiu şi că acea libertate pe care o caut nu există. Întotdeauna te vei agăţa de ceva, întotdeauna ai nevoie de cineva pentru a te păcăli pentru o perioadă cu fericirea există pentru că tu exişti. Nu eşti cu nimic mai special ca mine, nu sunt cu nimic mai specială ca tine, dar am nevoie de tine pentru a fi specială... cam asta ar fi.

sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

blue or green eyes?

Ever since I can remember, I always wanted to have a different eye colour. I mean, it's so dull to have brown/hazel eyes, right? If you go to a store for example and you are surrounded by people, how many of them have brown eyes and how many of them have green or blue eyes? Did you ever pay attention to this detail? I have... and most of the people here have brown eyes...most of my friends have brown eyes, I have brown eyes... So I asked Voicu, a colleague from work, to take one of my b-day party pictures and to make my eyes green and then blue, just to see which one would be more appropriate for my physiognomy. I would say that I look more natural with green eyes than with blue eyes, but I am also waiting for your opinion as well. Well? What do you think? Ok, ok, ok, you can ignore that background character who looks like a Vampire version of Marcel Pavel, Voicu couldn't resist...he had to do something creative, it's in his genes! :) And, you can also ignore the colours chosen, which aren't that natural as Voicu just edited my picture in Paint.. so it is rather rudimentary, but we'll have to do with it. :)

6 horses, of course!

Deci iata ca inca se mai poate folosi episodul "6 cai". Dupa filmuletul aparut pe Youtube, melodiile remixate, acum apare aceasta varianta a emisiunii "Vrei sa fi miliardar" cu celebrul nostu personaj rromanesc :D. Enjoy it!!! Pe mine una m-a distrat teribil! (thanks fratellino)
Aaa, si pentru cei care inca nu au avut ocazia sa vada filmuletele pe Youtube, voi atasa mai jos link-urile:

My B-day Party

And it's over :), my great B-day party, that is. I had the most wonderful time ever! We celebrated on the 14th of January in Avi-Cola, on a Wednesday night- Karaoke night! GREAT QUALITY TIME, international atmosphere, lots of alcohol and good music. Seemed to be the perfect combination as by the time I got home it was already past 4 a.m. I woke up feeling sober and confused at 6 a.m. so as to get ready for a new working day. Now normally, I wouldn't do such a party during the week as my workplace needs me to be 150% concentrated on the job. I don't know how concentrated I was after a 2 hour sleep and the vodka still trapped inside of me, but I pulled myself out of bed, took a shower, got dressed and walked to work. Surprisingly, I just needed 2 green teas and I was able to give my best to translate all those freaking contracts... By the way, one of my pseudonyms is also "THE CONTRACT GIRL" :)

Back to my party now... I was thinking when was the last time I had such a great time at my own B-day party. It must have been at my 18th B-day party. That too was a party to remember, but this one was the best so far. I am speaking from my own point of view now, and I have to be honest and say that maybe this party was just an excuse for me to let loose and forget all my problems for one night. And I just did that. I danced the whole night till my feet started hurting, my hair was messy and my makeup started fading away. I was all the time laughing, telling jokes, being the old Aditza I used to know. And it felt great for a change... I needed that party, I needed my friends and colleagues giving me all those admirative looks, I needed to get drunk and I don't regret ANYTHING!!! Why should I? LIFE IS LIKE A CHOCOLATE BOX, before you know it it's over, so enjoy it to the max!

1,2,3... ready or not, here I come!

I am a "new entry" in today's Blog Scene and as a new entry, the first impression counts...

No need for me to reveal any unnecessary aspects of my life so far, these things will come out as the time will pass and it will feel more natural than if I would start enumerating all my hobbies, interests, jobs, boyfriends, girlfriends and so on.

So without any further introduction, let us start this online diary of the "little matchbox girl".

One of the reasons why I have decided to keep track of my life would be the intense period which followed the breakup between me and Vlad, with whom I spent 2 and a half years thinking and believing he would be THE ONE. It's been 2 months since then and during all this time we spoke twice on the phone but we haven't met ever since. Maybe it's for the better. I heard he has a new girlfriend now, as for me... I tried to start a new relationship but then I decided that I was not ready for anything serious. It's more like a mixture of feelings and memories which not only fill my entire being but also my room I am standing in right now. I feel sad and happy at the same time, I feel frustrated but also calm, greedy but also generous, naive but also skeptic, loved and hated, black and white, two souls living in the same person.

It's tough being a girl...